Welcome Safety Professionals
SafetySpectrum is a hazard prevention and control app that safety professionals use to remotely protect a workforce at scale by mapping videos of visible and hidden hazards. This visually mapped, paperless, location based safety knowledge helps operations teams to stay aware of and manage risk 24/7 even when safety professionals and subject matter experts are not always there. SafetySpectrum also maps video journals of safe work practices and technical knowledge required to safely perform critical tasks.

A mobile workforce only has time for an efficient, one handed, mobile first app, not some clumsy "companion app" written to support desktops and laptops. SafetySpectrum is available on all Apple mobile devices as well as the Apple Watch. Of all the mobile device manufacturers, only Apple has worked with great focus to successfully create and continuously improve a mobile, wearable device ecosystem that can privately and securely map a person's environment. SafetySpectrum tailors this environment to give the person a high fidelity experience of safety discovery and assistance that helps them fail safely when ultimately, they make a mistake. The end result of SafetySpectrum running on Apple's mobile and wearable devices is one of scalable protection and presence.
SafetySpectrum is available for free to Safety Leaders who need protect themselves and a small community of people they work with.
A paid version of SafetySpectrum is available for Safety Professionals who need to remotely protect a growing Community of Practice (CoP). The paid version is expandable as the CoP grows and includes a Library structure where Video Hazards and Video Journals can be cataloged using SafteySpectrum's Publish-Approve workflow. The paid version also includes SafetySpectrum's “Priority Support” which delivers live support in-App right when the person needs the support with as little delay as possible.
For Organizations that have just cultures and prioritize learning from both success and failure a business version of SafetySpectrum is also available. The business version enables remote protection of multiple CoP's at scale while also helping the Organization to build systems that tolerate human error so that when errors occur the highest priority of the Organization is to fail safely... every time.
Safety as a Service
SafetySpectrum enables Safety Professionals to digitalize their services and offer scalable protection with a remote presence to any size workforce from a close knit field operations team to a workforce of thousands.
Safety In Knowledge
There is safety in knowledge, collectively accross an Organization. Knowledge of hazards or changes to hazards can reduce risk when people are working on assets in the vicinity of those hazards.
SafetySpectrum scales safety knowledge from a few Safety Professionals and Subject Matter Experts to the entire organization as a whole. The SafetySpectrum cloud based system enables everyone across the entire organization to collaborate on hazard prevention and control as a single Community of Practice (CoP). SafetySpectrum is an iOS mobile app that leverages the rich visual power of video to rapidly transfer safey knowledge using all of Apple's mobile wearable and TV devices. This high degree of mobility enables everyone in the CoP to upload, share, watch and approve videos of hazards as well as video jounals of knowledge and safe working procedures as a normal part of their day to day work flow.
Digital Collaboration
Digital collaboration is the glue for communities that have perfected working remotely.
SafetySpectrum has powerful digital collarboration features including up and down voting, invitations to review and flag a concern. SafetySpectrum also has a mature sharing workflow that builds on its digital collaboration features. SafetySpectrum/s sharing workflow is built around SafetySpectrum's Me-Us-Library architecture that lets people digitally collaborate in a way that is similar to the way they do work in their personal work spaces.
Me is an area of private of video hazards and video journals. Us is a Community of Practice (CoP) with sub-groups and shared video hazards and video journals. Library is the formal area of Specialist controlled Catalogs where video hazards and video journals are published and approved as standards for the Community of Practice.
SafetySpectrum Workflows
Layered on top of the Me-Us-Library architecture are Share-Make Private and Publish-Approve workflows that enable everyone to keep unverified things private and when the time is right they are able to share their hazard, technical and safe practices knowledge informally to the Us area. The Us area exposes this knowelge to the Community of Practice for vetting and improving upon. Finally the very best knowledge can be formally published to the Library area.
Video hazards and video journals that are published to the Library area are approved (or disapproved) by Approving Specialists (one per Catalog) who are subject matter experts for the content in the Library Catalogs. This is much the same way that work is done in the real world where the workforce shares and discusses information continuously while referencing the official company standards as needed so as not to drift and deviate from an Organization's expectations nor the customer's expectations.
A Paperless Hazard Reporting App
We are changing the way Organizations think about safety...by helping them build systems that enable people to fail safely.
It’s time for organizations to acknowledge human error and build systems that minimize serious injury or death when human error occurs. To help Organizations build systems that can tolerate human error, SafetySpectrum uses job sourced hazard reporting to map and visualize hazard knowledge right at the location where harm can occur. SafetySpectrum takes an Organization's hard fought for, learned, hazard knowledge and makes it visual and paperless. This enables safety professionals to remotely manage at scale, every hazard in thier Organization accross every person.
Safety professionals use the hierarchy of controls (elimination, substitution, engineering, administration, PPE) to reduce the risk of visible and hidden hazards. Hazards that can be eliminated or substituted are mapped and tracked to elimination or substitution. For built in hazards that can not be eliminated nor substituted SafetySpectrum uses a Learning Organization approach to record and locate video hazards and video journals without having to write anything down.
SafetySpectrum's location based safety approach helps safety professionals to ensure that implemented hazard controls are effective by clearly mapping videos of the hazards. Once mapped, these video hazards communicate and visualize why the hazard is dangerous and how the hazard can cause (or has caused, or almost caused) a serious injury or fatality (SIF). SafetySpectrum video hazards can show an operations team how to fail safely when the inevitable human error occurs while working near the hazard.
Going Beyond Compliance...
How do safety professionals use SafetySpectrum to remotely manage hazard prevention and control?
• Track and monitor hazards that can be eliminated or substituted until they are corrected.
• Control built in hazards that can not be eliminated nor substituted by using SafetySpectrum to map and remotely communicate the hazard location and controls to operational teams working near the hazards.
• Ensure that implemented hazard controls are effective by using SafetySpectrum to clearly map videos of the built in hazards. Use SafetySpectrum video hazards to communicate and visualize across the Organization why the hazard is dangerous and can cause (or has caused, or almost caused) a serious injury or fatality (SIF). Use SafetySpectrum video hazards to show how an operations team how can fail safely when they make a mistake while working near the hazard.
• Ensure that implemented hazard controls are continuously reviewed and updated by enabling Operations teams that encounter new (or evolved) risks to use SafetySpectrum to video journal a post-job video briefing to update the Organization's technical knowledge needed to work safely when in the vicinity of a mapped visible or hidden hazard.
• Use videos of hazards to enable processes involving highly hazardous chemicals to be visualized quickly by the operations team(s) working with or near the hazardous chemicals.
• Use videos of hazards to communicate emergency information and responsibilities to every person in the Organization.
• Enhance videos of hazards to show analysis, selection and training of personal protective equipment (PPE) in order to align the PPE with OSHA requirements (use, limitations, maintenance, storage).
• Tailor videos of hazards to include licensed health care professionals to prevent adverse health effects due to workplace hazards and exposures (e.g. preventing heat stroke).
Made for Safety Professionals to Work at Scale
Safety professionals can't be everywhere at once...or can they? We built SafetySpectrum to remotely scale a safety professional's learned safety knowledge asynchronously across the operational teams they are charged with protecting from harm. SafetySpectrum gives safety professionals a mobile first strategy to help them protect operational teams with a higher level of situational awareness and technical expertise that the teams need to work safely during daily, non-repetitive, cognitive operations.
SafetySpectrum immediately gives safety professionals the ability to securely map videos of visible and hidden hazards. SafetySpectrum's In The Vicinity map of hazards and safety knowledge enables safety professionals to remotely share what they are learning as these workplace hazards shift and evolve. Using the combination of cloud computing, mobile and wearable devices, SafetySpectrum was built for safety professionals to unlock the power of location based safety. Now safety professionals can protect a workforce with far greater efficiently, remotely and at scale.
Map Visible & Hidden Hazards
Hidden hazards pose the greatest threat to those with even the most experience and wisdom. To protect themselves from these traps and "land mines", top performers maintain their situational awareness (SA) by using powerful information tools.
SafetySpectrum's In The Vicinity is one of those tools. Safety professionals can quickly make videos of local hazards, which SafetySpectrum then uses to build a map of the hazards. Now safety professionals can remotely help a workforce to hold more informed pre-job briefings to maintain awareness. Operations teams that encounter new risks can upload a post-job video briefing to update the technical knowledge needed to work safely when in the vicinity of these mapped visible and hidden hazards.
SafetySpectrum is mobile and SafetySpectrum is wearable. SafetySpectrum also runs on Apple TV in stunning 4K to move an organization's ever evolving safety and technical knowledge, upward from the field to the big screen. From the control room to the conference room, safety professionals can use SafetySpectrum on Apple TV to enhance the situational awareness of the entire organization.
Can You Protect Them When You're Not There?
Senior leadership can overestimate their understanding of the complexity of the work being done, while underestimating the complexity of the risk relationship between persons, assets and hazards.
Asset –– [ risk ]–– Hazard
Safety professionals know that to protect workers they must carefully map these risk relationships in terms of the upstream and downstream processes that surround this risk relationship. It is no where near enough to focus on just the worker, it takes everyone in the Organization. Instead of simply asking each worker to assess these risk relationships as they work, learning Organization's map and anticipate these risk relationships to teach the Organization as a whole how to fail safely.
Safety Professionals do not have the budget nor the bandwidth to continously touch everyone in the Organization...until now: SafetySpectrum enables safety professionals to work at scale by crowdsourcing evolving safety knowledge as it is discovered by the workforce. Every craftsman from top performers to newly hired apprentices can quickly use SafetySpectrum to map videos of visible and hidden hazards. This mapped safety knowledge helps operations teams stay aware of and manage risk 24/7 even when safety professionals and subject matter experts are not always there.
SafetySpectrum also maps video journals of safe work practices and technical knowledge required to safely perform critical tasks. Field safety professionals are able to transfer their newly learned, perishable safety knowledge as a normal part of their day to day work flow without having to write anything down. Using SafetySpectrum enables everyone in an organization to visually learn from one another. A learning organization that learns from both its successes and its failures is the core of meaningful safety.
Why is this important? Because no one of us is as smart as all of us. No one of us is safer than all of us. There is safety in knowledge. To create safety an organization must constantly refine and communicate its safety and technical expertise in an atmosphere of trust.
SafetySpectrum's location based safety enables everyone in an organization to map safety knowledge that is important to them. This crowdsourced, engagement motivates everyone in an organization to become a stronger part of the shared level of safety across the organization as a whole from the CEO to the last apprentice hired.